The Master Your Marriage Podcast is Here!

A New Episode Releases Every Wednesday

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Episode 10: Strengthening Intimacy

“Every positive thing that you drip into your relationship will enhance intimacy."

Episode 9: Repairing During a Fight

"Repairs are like secret weapons. The right repair, done at the right time, can cool the cruelty of contempt and diminish the danger of defensiveness.” ~ Sharla Snow

Episode 8: What's the #1 Relationship Poison?

Contempt is a behavior that can destroy present relationships and also impact future generations." ~ Robert Snow

Episode 7: Criticism & Signs of a Failing Marriage

"The difference between a complaint and criticism is this: complaints are focused on the issue, but criticisms are focused on the person and their character. ~ Robert Snow

Episode 6: Managing Our Problems -Intro to Conflict

"How you disagree is what can make (or break) your relationship."

Episode 5: Secrets To Staying In Love

“Your love strategy will have one absolute, critical component that must be present — or that feeling of love won’t be generated.”

Episode 4: Trust & Vulnerability

“Do women really only respect their men when they are playing the hero?”

Trust requires vulnerability, and vulnerability requires trust.

Episode 3: Redefining Codependency

"Our culture has taught us to really reject this idea of codependency, believing that true independence and self-sustainability is a much healthier form of attachment."

Episode 2: Connection Rituals

"When couples say ‘we've just grown into different people,’ I would challenge that you've always been different people."

Episode 1: The Complacency Trap

"Complacency might be the number one silent killer of marriages today. And I say silent because of how subtle it grows. It's not something that happens overnight."

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